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community partnerships

Through a partnership with our local elementary school, Cooley Springs-Fingerville, we have been able to host events on the school campus for the benefit of our community. Whether it's Back-to-School Bash or a Trunk-or-Treat, you'll find our volunteers with smiles on. Summer camps and activities are sure to bring a smile to your face too.

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Back Pack Ministry

Student Nutritional Support

Eden has partnered with 3 elementary schools in the Chesnee area to supply at risk students with nutritional support for weekends and extended breaks. Our Senior Adult Life Group packs and distributes bags weekly.  The cost of this ministry is less than $3 per child each week or $100 for the whole school year.  If you would like to sponsor a child for a week, a month, or the whole school year, please click  below for online giving options.

Our Senior Adult Life Group packs and distributes bags weekly. 
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